Incubus spirits have been around since time began. Incubus spirits and succubus spirits can be male or female. Most people group them together and call them incubus spirits.
Most people have dealt with incubus spirits even though they did not know what they were dealing with. Not everyone is sensitive enough to feel them. Of those who are sensitive enough to feel them, very few can see in the spirit well enough to see them.
Incubus spirits do have form, but it is not a physical form. However, they can project an image in order for us to see them. They have the ability to chose and project an image that they feel would be pleasing and acceptable to us. They have the ability to convince people that they are deceased lovers, out of body spirits from people that you might have feelings for, and whoever is necessary for them to convince you to let them touch you, lay in bed with you, and/or have sex with you. If you are a spiritual person, they have to ability to communicate with you.
It can be very difficult to get rid of an incubus spirit if we invite or give permission to an incubus spirit. Some people invite or give permission to incubus spirits by accident, because they believe they are dealing with a person. People that believe that they have a spiritual connection to someone are usually dealing with an incubus spirit. They hear human thought and are attracted to perverted sex, lust, fantasy, and masturbation.
Some incubus spirits work for witches and warlock. If you have sex with a witch or a warlock, you may very likely have problems with incubus spirits thereafter. Some witches and warlock send incubus spirits to people in an effort to convince them to be perverted or to try to make people fall from the grace of God. Other witches and warlock believe that incubus spirits are useful in maintaining spiritual connections with people, and may even use them to keep tabs on the person that they are dating.
There are several different types of incubus spirits. They come in different sizes, and certain incubus spirits are attracted to different parts of the country. Some incubus spirits are kind and gentle, while others bite, scratch, claw, and actually rape and sodomize their victims.
Once you have permitted an incubus spirit to interact with you, it can be very difficult to make it leave. The longer the incubus spirit is allowed to stay, the more difficult it will be to make it leave. Some will even cry or whimper if you try to make them go. Please do not feel sorry for them. They should not interact with human beings, and God does not approve of this interaction, and they know this.
In order to make them go, you may have to take several steps in order to convince them that they are no longer wanted, and that they no longer have permission to be with you. You first have to withdraw all invitations and permissions to them and command them to go in the name of Jesus. You have to be persistent, and if necessary, command them to go daily. Do this by saying,
In the name of Jesus Christ, I withdraw all invitations and permissions to all incubus and succubus spirits. And in the name of Jesus Christ, I command all incubus and succubus spirits to leave my presence, leave my dwelling place, and leave my land; and take your families with you.
It helps to tell them to go where Jesus Christ wants them to go. Tell them that God has created a special place for them, and that Satan is not there, which is true. They may not know about this place, because it was just recently created by God. Tell them also to give their lives to God. You can also ask Gods help in making them go. However, if you have given them permission to be with you, God will not make them leave until God is certain that you have learned your lesson.
You have to break all soul ties and attachments to them. Do this by using the Sword of the Spirit, and visualize cutting the cords to them, while saying,
In the name of Jesus Christ, and with the Sword of the Spirit, I cut and severe all soul ties, and attachments to all incubus, and succubus spirits.
Do whatever is necessary to rid yourself of the attachments that they have to you, including dressing conservatively and buying conservative underwear. You will have to stop masturbating and fantasizing completely, because this attracts them to you. You will also have to abstain from sex outside of the marriage bed.
If you stand firm and are consistent, they will eventually leave. However, if you regress, they will probably come back. Any experience with incubus spirits will make you an easy target for future encounters with incubus spirits.